Daz custom Morphs are not working


Apr 25, 2021
i have seen some videos on youtube about making custom morphs of genesis 8/9 body in blender and did the exact same thing but i did not exported the body in base shape meaning in base pose and in base shape what i did was i first pose my character then shape her body(make more curvy) then export the body as obj and do the sculpting in blender and make custom morphs but it does not work. why i did not use base shape and base pose because it is easy for me to do the sculpting in curvy body so that i know how much and where exactly i need to do the sculpting.

is there any way i can make it work?


Game Developer
Apr 2, 2018
Did you export your object in base resolution ? Usually that's what I do for clothes, but I don't know if it's the same when it comes to a character.


Apr 25, 2021
Did you export your object in base resolution ? Usually that's what I do for clothes, but I don't know if it's the same when it comes to a character.
no...but i found the solution..i need to enable the reverse deformation in morph loader pro so that every vertex calculate their position not from origin 0 0 0 rather than from where they currently locate in the scene.